Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Old Time Adventure

For my birthday I got a DVD set of a Robin Hood TV series, from the 50’s.
Even though it is in Black and White and the quality is not as top notch as some of the new dvd sets I enjoyed it. There are no special effects, the fights are sometimes funny, (Several times while Robin is fighting 2 men one will swing his sword and stop mid air and wait while Robin moves to hit it. The Story lines are good and the writing is godd as well, the acting is sometimes funny and it is neat to see where the same actor is playing 2-3 parts.
Some times I think we forget the magic TV was back in the day.

Monday, December 8, 2008

You know you are getting old when...

In turning 50 last week (I had hoped to keep the number a secret but…) a lot of thoughts went through my head. (I forgot most of them…after all I’m 50)
Here are some that I do remember

You remember people getting upset when gas went up to 25 cents a gallon
You cried when Davey Jones was going to leave the Monkees (on the TV Show)
Walking on the moon was really cool.
You played army with sticks for guns and the honor system for dying
You always wanted to ride in the back of the station wagon so you could be bounced around more
You would worry being bounced out of the back of a truck if the driver took the bumps too fast
The idea of a square hamburger (Wendy’s) was unheard of.
Paperback books cost under a buck
Drive in movies were cool
Watch videos at home what’s a video?
Every home movie started out with dads head looking into the camera to see if it was on.
Johnny Carson starting on the tonight show
Gilligan in Black and white
Sesame street was the hit with the JR High crowd.
People dying in Vietnam
Quad was the greatest way to listen to music
Grandma refusing to get a micro wave afraid it might blow up
Pocket calculators being as big as a book
Carrying books to and from school without a bag or backpack (they were huge and only for hiking)
The thrill of Major Matt Mason
Every year watching the special announcing the new Saturday morning cartoons.
They wisdom and Joy of Top Cat or Johnny Quest
Arguing over what TV shows we would watch at grandmas since they had a color TV and we did not.
Tuning in the TV by turning a dial
Remote what’s a remote
Neighbors’ actual sitting outside at night and talking
Not worrying if you left your car unlocked or not.
Getting upset that the party line person would not get off the phone so you could use it.
Not being afraid to answer the phone since telemarketers had not been invented yet.
Always having change in the car in case you broke down and had to walk to a pay phone to call.
Knowing you could fix your truck with wire and duct tape if needed.
You remember the first time each of your children smiled and you get emotional about it.

Wow I’m tired from all this thinking, guess I better take my medicine and have a nap.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Peace in the family

I really don't care about sports....but I am grateful that the U beat BYU or my kids would not be in good moods this week...............

Monday, November 17, 2008

The future

Mid November, it seems weird that the year has gone by so quickly.
Maggie is 9 ½ months old…wow. It is hard to remember our life without her and it is very exciting to think of our life ahead with her in it.

Natalie, Randy and I went and did dance pictures for one of the local high schools Sat night. We have been doing this along with Jo and Josh for a few years now.
The kids are an interesting bunch. As I hear people talk on how worried they are about the future and how bad the kids of today are I just smile. They are not that bad, well, at least not all of them.
Each dance we see the same types or groups of kids; the want to be tough kids, the very popular kids, the geeks, and those that are on their first date. Sometimes very definite gang kids. Some of the gang type kids are scary, but I don’t think they will be around long if they keep to that course. At each dance a few stand out that you can tell these are great kids.

I don’t worry about the future. We will survive.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

ipod shuffle says alot

At the gym tonight I went through a very interesting shuffle on my ipod. I decided to come home and write down the next 10 songs that came up to see if it said anything about who I am...
"crying from the dust" by Jeff Goodrich (LDS modern)
"Ninety and Nine" by Michael McLean (LDS)
"Bach suite #3 air on G string" by Bach
"Siberian Sleigh ride" by Trans Siberian Orch (Christmas)
"Night of Anguish" Les Mis
"Oh Hush Thee My Baby"by Primary songs (LDS)
"Moves like an Ape, Looks like a Man" by Mark Mancina from Tarzan
"Voices in the sky" By Moody Blues
"Let it snow" by Garth Brooks
"Aqualung" by Jethro Tull
BONUS 2 More just for fun
"Take me Home country Roads" by John Denver
"Lady" by Styx

So I really don't know what this says about me, except that no one wants me to play my music when in the car.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It runs in the family

Maggie is a writer in the making...she loves my old typewriter I got when my Grandpa died.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Management Hollywood style

The other day I was asked where I learned my management style. I have been told I have a unique way of dealing with people and problems. I smiled and replied,”I watch a lot of movies and TV”

Apollo 13- I learned team work. Remember the scene where the guys are in a conference room, one holds up two pieces of equipment saying, “We need to fit this into this only using this…”He then dumps out a lot of pieces of other equipment.

Braveheart- I have a sign on my wall that has a picture of Braveheart along wioth the saying “Management is doing things right…Leadership is doing the right thing.” The different styles of how people manage teams and others is reflected in the characters in Brveheart. Some are like Old Bruce, sneaky and win at all costs, some like the barrons others like the English. And a few are like Wallace.

Winnie the Pooh- Teams are made up of personalities. Each of these types of personality are one of the characters in Winnie the Pooh. Owl, rabbit, piglet, tigger pooh and the rest are all how people approach tasks or problems.

Highlander/Sharpe/300- all teach honor.

Jack Black- any job has humor in it if you look hard enough. Just look at his movies.

Just a few of many other examples I have learned from.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

His Greatest Miracle (another inspiration, see previous post)

Sitting at the opening,
I stare at the
vast blackness
Highlighted with
shiny pearls
Of light.

How can He who
Created all this,
Have time to care
Feel and love me?

He caused the light
To shine,
The wind to blow
Countless miracles
In countless lives.

Yet His greatest
Miracle is that
He does have the
Time to feel, care
And love

Picture inspired! (see pervious blog)

The view never ceased to make him stop and look. Each night, for as long as he could remember, he had walk the steps with the men to the cave opening high above the valley floor. They entered from the other side of the mountain and were greeted by the starry sky from the cave opening each night. The tiny white points of light that filled the night seemed to move in and out as he looked at them. The large white patch of stars, like a snake, cut the sky in two. He was shaken from his thoughts as the team begun to fill the stone circle on the floor. Pot after pot of water would be poured in, 30 in all, till the circle would fill and the water would trickle out the side and down to the waiting families.
They would fall to their knees and thank the gods once more for the water. He smiled. His fathers, father father had been doing this same nightly ritual. His son and their sons would continue after he was gone. He could hear the chanting raising up from the valley floor, the water and started to fill the pots at the bottom.
He took one last look at the sky before him and wondered if there just might be someone behind those lights, standing with his sons as his father had done. Holding a torch to holes in a wall so that the light could come down to those that would stand and look at it.
It was late and he needed to sleep not think thoughts like this. That was the elders role in the tribe. His was to oversee the water each night and do his daily items.
He could not help but look once more as the wall door closed and wonder.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Small inspirations can happen

I found this on a blog and it just started thoughts going through my head for stories etc.
How often do we ignore the small inspirations we are given?
I know I do it way too much.
So here is my deal...I have decided to put some of the thoughts I have from this picture and I will share them here when I am done....(really I will)

Monday, October 6, 2008

smile for the day

How can you not smile when you look at this face!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Power of Music

Today as I was coming home from the library I once more was reminded on how powerful music is. (I seem to be going more and more to the library since Natalie stopped working to be a stay at home mom. The extra money for books is not there. So glad I have a library card)
I had picked up a few new books as well as the sound track from Pirates of the Caribbean 3.
As I put the cd in the player to listen on the way home the first song was where the little boy starts to sing yo ho then the group joins in. I was instantly taken in my mind to the scene in the movie and felt once more the power of it.
Wow that happens seldom but when it does it is great.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another book done reading

So I finished the new Terry Brooks book that ends his Shannara set. I was OK with most of it. Sometimes lately it seems that he has a set formula and cranks out a book a year according to it. Well it works cuz I will still read every book he does and once they hit paperback i will buy it.

I have now decided to start a new series called Fablehaven that I have heard great praise about.

I also am still sketching out my own outline and plan on start writing this weekend.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

long wait over

I have a few set of books that I can hardly wait until the next comes out. Harry Potter was one of these. I was very sad as I ffinished the last one and knew that there were no others.
Terry Brooks is another one I follow with great anticipation. The problem I have is that once the newest comes out I devour it and then begins the long wait for the next book.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dreams do come true!

We spent this past week in Disneyland and had a ball. I love the feeling I get when we enter the front gates. I love seeing my wife get a tear in her eye as we watch the parade.
It is very uplifting for me to think that all this magic happened because of one mans dream.
Dreams do happen and come true if you work at them.
The trick is doing the work and then accepting the results and reworking if needed. Isn’t it the same in writing? Some dreams make it big time, others are just appreciated by as few

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The best place in the world!

Tonight I will find it hard to sleep since come early morning we will be heading to Disneyland. (yup, I am just like the TV commercial where they are too excited to sleep).
I love going there. I love seeing my wife enjoy being there so much. I think that is half of the enjoyment.
I have planned on taking a few moments to write a few things while there. I will of course post pics.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Good rereads

In the mid 70’s I came across a writer by the name of Michael Moorcock. I quickly bought all that I could and read it. Elric, Corum, the eternal champion, wow. Many years and 100 of books later I still remember the first time I read these. I have bought and given away many books, but I still have these. I started to read the sword books and relate more to the hero since he loses his left hand and I could not move mine to even turn a page.
Good books never go out of style or fashion. Some I have not read for a lot of years, but I know I still have them when I want to.
Other writers are the same and I will mention them later

Saturday, August 23, 2008


If you have read my grateful blog you can skip the next section.

Ok so here I sit typing with one hand. Let me explain...we had a large group of wasps who decided to start to build a nest right outside our side door and next to the rain gutter. I got some spray...the foaming kind that should kill instantly and encases the nest.I went out to spray, the foam look so good as it covered the nest. Then I saw a wasp come flying out of the foam and I thought "Oh crap, it doesn't work" and I started to back petal and tripped falling backward. I hit the cement on my butt and then my wrist.The good news...I don't think I broke it, but it sure started to and swell up.So I ran to the hose on the lawn to get cool water on it.(ok I waddled cuz my butt hurts like crazy) I then came in and pulled out the first aid kit and wrapped it up then iced it and rigged a sling.Tomorrow is Stake Conference so I get to sit on the stand wrapped up. fun oh fun but I am grateful that I did not break it or worse...crack my butt.

So I guess my wrist is worse than I first thought. I will be going in Tues to have a metal plate put in my wrist. I asked the specialist how many breaks I had to which he smiled and said that a better answer would be to tell people I shattered my wrist.But even with the pain and the trouble I am having I am still grateful.-I am happy it is my left hand and not the right-That it is my wrist and not my leg or worse-I have an extremely supportive wife who I adore-I guess have a very high tolerance to pain since the dr says I should be screamingThe biggest pain is not being able to help take care of the baby like I would like too.But I am learning how to type one handed pretty well now

So I go into surgey Tues for them to put a plate in and cast it.

More later...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back Pack or Bag?

I seem to be in touch with my feminine side at times. I switched from my laptop backpack that I have been using for the past 3 months, back to my shoulder bag. I go back and forth between the two. I have a nice backpack and I love it especially when I travel, but …we will see how long before I get tired of it. It kind of reminds me of Natalie and how she switches between purses. Not that it is a bad thing…

Quick update on my 15 minutes a day of writing...I have not hit it every day but I am definitely writing more than before. It is mainly outline and character items but that is need as well as the story

Monday, July 28, 2008

FInding time to write-A new approach

Today I start a new experiment. I have been very lazy in my approach (or lack of one) to writing. I read a few articles on it and have thought a lot about it, so Today I start to do something about it. I have decided that I will write at least 15 minutes a day. I have thought of ways to find the time and have come up with quite a few places I can squeeze in a few lines. Of course some places will not work (see insert).
I figure if I write every day for a few weeks to a year I will have something to show for it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight at Midnight

Ok so last night my boys and be braved the dark and saw the new Batman movie. If you have read this blog or know me then you know I am a geek. (If you know my son Randall you know he is the biggest comic geek ever). Well, last night I was amazed at what I saw. The writing and the portrayal of the characters was exactly as I envision them. Heath Ledger as the Joker finally brought the Joker to life. He is supposed to be the most terrifying of all the villains.My wife asked if I was going to have nightmares once I got home and to tell you the truth I wasn't sure. The image of Joker and Harvey Dent/Two Face was perfect. Congrats on the writing. I look hard at it in movies of this type and it was perfect.
Well I must get back to work, I also want to figure out if I get done early how I can sneak away and go to the movie again....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

4 Things

Ok so Laurie Jo tagged me...

4 Places I visit over and over

1. the library
2. Best Buy
3. Wal Mart
4. the bathroom (I think it has to do with my age)

4 People who call me

1. Cody
2. Randall
3. Laurie Jo
4. Natalie

4 Favorite Foods
1. Chinese
2. Cupcakes
3. Garpe Nuts
4. Peanut Butter

4 Places I'd rather be.

1. Disneyland
2. Disneyworld
3. Anywhere with Nat and family
4. Disneyland
4 Movies I watch over and over

1. King Arthur
2. 300
3. Braveheart
4. Disney movies

4 Bands/artists I listen too

1. Broadway shows (Les Mis, Wicked, Rent, Scarlett Pimpernal)
2. EFY cd's (All years)
3. Kenneth Cope
4. Chicago

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Old man thoughts while driving

Yesterday on the drive home from work I got thinking on Jo's post about the review of her life so far. While I am not going to do the same it got me thinking on what I have learned so far.
Quick Review:

Raised in Bountiful Utah.
Band geek in High school
Active in LDS Church
Served 2 year mission in Australia
Married 12 years
3 kids
3 miscarriages
Married again a few years later (almost 11 years now)
Dealt with infertility the whole time
Worked/waited 3 years for adoption
Placed with Maggie 5 months ago

I have been fired from jobs and had to fire people.
I have had 2 companies close their doors. (Both with my wife and I working there)
Spent 7 months unemployed
Know what it is like to be passed over for promotions due to friends or family needing jobs.
I have been a janitor as well as the big boss.
Spent time as phone rep as well as a collector.
Have sat and worried where money is going to come from to pay bills.
Have looked at a budget to only find rent and child support being paid (no money for food, car, gas power etc)
I have seen my grand parents pass away as well as great grand parents
Had a friend die from cancer
Neighbor form suicide
Served in Church as a teacher, clerk, young men's, Bishopric and High Council
I remember black and white TV with only 4 channels
Remember when Sesame Street started
Remember when the Monkees were the biggest thing around.

Through all this I have come to realize that there are certain truths that have stayed with me:
1. Life is never so bad that you should not find something to smile about.
2. There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of a baby’s laugh
3. There is beauty in every sunset and magic in every rainbow
4. No other success is more important than what happens with your family
5. There is no job or title more important than “Dad” and “Husband”
6. True happiness and joy come form your family and your God
7. Only you know if you are truly honest.

Years ago 1993 to be exact, I wrote the following mission statement for a class with the Covey group. I said then that it needs to be on my funeral program. I still think it applies.

It is in a previous post dated Jan 2, 2008 on this blog

Just a few thoughts from someone who has been around awhile…

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gardening and Procrastination do not mix

Several weeks ago I planted the garden. It looked great! At that time I thought that I should take the time and stamp down the “Path areas” and add in plastic to help avoid the growth of weeds. I also made the mental note to get some snail bait to fight the snails that I knew would be showing up once the beans started to sprout. Well…true to my inner self I did not do that. So due to my procrastination (or as my wife would say my laziness) I have been spending the past couple of nights weeding and working and swearing at myself.
I used to admire my grandmas garden. It also looked great and perfect…now as I think back on it I remember her always in it or my grandpa working in it. “If you hoe a little every day it will grow ok”
Well I may not change. (I would hate to give such a shock to Nat if I did) but I will at least think about not procrastinate as much.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Maggie Update

Boy is she getting big and mobile. She hasn't started to crawl yet but she sure rolls and wriggles.

The other morning she was awake and I was not so we sat in the family room with her rolling around me and watching Higgly Town Heros. I have no idea why she would stop and watch scenes but she did.

I will update more a bit later but she is a very happy, social baby.

She is wonderful. Of course she follows Natalie in being happy and making me smile.
We went swimming and she loved it. Also I am proud to say she has started to blow rasberrys. It is a proud moment for a dad when his child learns how to spit properly.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Angry Green Gamma at midnight

Last night Randall, Cody and I sat at midnight to see the new Hulk movie. While I think I was the oldest person in the entire theater. (Midnight premiers are for the young). I really enjoyed the movie and the time I spent with my boys! Cody and I joked that we feel sorry for Randall’s wife (once he finds one) since he was so excited and into the movie. We also had one of Randall’s mission buddies there. As we were waiting for the credits to scroll through Randy was talking in detail to this guy about the history of the Hulk etc. Poor Hunsaker just sat there with a glazed look. Cody and I cracked up.
Don’t wait for the credits…nothing happens.
Anyway, the story was good and the action was defiantly a 10 on the geek scale.
So now we wait till Batman. (Even Nat will go to that one at midnight)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Picture Books

So lately I have been looking for kids picture books on adoption. I have found some that are good, most are so so (at least to me) but none hit the way I want them to. Being LDS and having adoption be the way our forever family was added to is hard to convey but I have not given up. I guess I will just have to write it myself.
I have started some ideas and I must admit that picture books are not easy to write. In fact they are hard, but I am up for the challenge.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I sit here in Newark NJ in a hotel and wish I were home. I flew in today for a 2 hour meeting with my client in the morning then flying back home tomorrow afternoon.
As I turned on the TV and browsed the channels I came upon the start of the movie "300".
I had almost watched it on the plane on my iPod but decided on Superman the Animated series instead.
I do like this movie. It is one of those that I can watch over and over again. I think I am drawn to the heroes in it. The sense of right makes might. This is the same reason I love the TV series Highlander and Sharpe. This sense of old time chivalry really touched me. I know if I had been born in the time of knights and all that I would probably have been a very poor farmer, but I would have taught my children that Might is not right and that the only reason to have power is to protect ohers...come to think of it I am doing that. My garden skills stink and my kids know the stories and the true purpose for the knights.
Wow, that could be really deep....but I am tired and the neat battle scenes are just starting.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well, today was a good Sunday. The regular Sunday School teacher was going to be out of town so he asked me to sub in. I love teaching Gospel Doctrine. I was closet to the spirit when I was teaching each week. I guess that because I also spent the most time on that calling. Even more than Bishopric or High Council. But I only have myself to blame for not staying close. It revoles around daily study and thinking or pondering.
After Church I got a call from someone saying a sprinkler had broken at the chapel. Then a few hours later I got a call saying the other chapel had the sewer backing up in the floor drains and into the bathrooms. Since I am over the physical stuff as my assignment for High council I get these calls.
All in all a good sunday.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Maggies 1st laugh

I got Maggie to laugh for the first time yesterday. It cracked me up and just almost made me cry. I know others will not think it that big of a deal, but I DON”T CARE! Maggie’s smile and her laugh make my day. (I still get a kick out of my older kids laugh as well. The only problem is they are usually laughing at me Just kidding)
They grow up so fast. So these times are extra special.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Changed For Good."

In the musical "Wicked" (One musical I have not seen but really want to)probably the best song is "For Good". (I love the Cast album. In fact I will listen to that song everyday, I just love the mix of voices.) The line goes something like..."People come into our lives, for a reason, bringing something we must learn." Then later it says...I know I am who I am today because I knew you" How true is that statement! I have heard people say that every boy will remember his Scout master. (Mine was my dad so....) Others say that you never forget your football coach (I didn't play. I do remember my Jr High and my High School Band teachers). I am different for knowing certain people. Bishops, bosses and others have influnced me greatly. I even have an old boss that years ago influenced me more than any other person. He was a jerk and I so hated his style of management and how he treated people that I refused to be similar to him even one tiny bit.The people we have come in contact with during our journey to adoption have been some of the greatest people around. Faithful, willing and humble. The men I serve on the High Council with are very humbling to me. Most are recently past Bishops and I just love being in their midst.So if you know me...thank you for being part of what makes>

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Family time

Life keeps on going. Not much to report to any and all that might read this. Work keeps on going as do church callings and family life. Through it all it is the family time that makes it all worth while. Last night Nat had to go visiting Teaching and I had one on one time with Maggie. There is only one word to describe the feeling…Cool!
In fact spending any time with Nat and Maggie is the best thing I could ask for.
Guess you might say I am blessed!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Blessing of Tithing.

Ok I really truly believe we are blessed because we pay a full tithe. It isn't that we are spared problems, they are just placed at the best time for us. I was going to go to Juarez this morning but as I went to book it last month the best flight was set for tomorrow so I picked that one. Well every time I plan a trip out of town it seems that a disaster will happen right before. Before one of my week long ones to Monterrey Mexico several years ago the flex pipe going from the wall to the toilet sprung a leak. The swamp cooler has leaked twice. Nat's jeep acted up...well it died while I was in Barcelona Spain and her and my dad had to handle it. If you read my grateful blog you will see this trip tomorrow is no exception. If this crap had hit while I was out of town I know Nat would have handled it but I would have felt so bad. So this is the blessing of tithing we get in that the trouble hits when we can handle it, the car problems hit when we have extra money, other items requiring money being put out just seem to happen when a bonus hits or some extra picture money comes in.

Now I just need to get ready for another wonderful trip to Juarez Mexico. Good thing I am not driving this trip

Friday, April 4, 2008

Music have to haves

So music is very important to me, I know it is the same for others. So here is the question. What group or person do you have ALL their cd’s for?

I started out years ago having all of the following:
Led Zeppelin

Now I have the following:

Donny Osmond
Kenneth Cope
Michael McLean
Garth Brooks
Shania Twain
Michael Webb
Jeff Goodrich
Trans-Siberian Orchestra

What about you?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Favorite Church Calling

Ok so in my long Church Life I have had the following callings (I know I am missing some.)

Through High School I was Priesthood chorister.
Full time Missionary (Australia)
Activities Committee and Chair.
Sunday School teacher 14-15 yr olds and 16 – 18 yr olds
Finance Clerk
Membership Clerk
Deacons advisor
YM President
Gospel Doctrine Teacher
2nd Counselor Bishopric
1st counselor Bishopric
High Council

My favorite has to be Gospel Doctrine teacher. I loved that calling.
What are some of your favorite callings?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Second Pass (Refining)

Ok the second time I go through one of my poems I see if I still get the chills when I frist wrote the words, if not then i dump the whole thing or the part I think prudent. Then I get rid of needless words. At last I will read it aloud to see the flow and plan for the next pass. Here is the second pass on 4am feeding

4am Feeding
You grasp my finger
In your small hand
(Which is not like mineYet it fits.)
Hungrily you latch
lips on tight,
(Lips, unlike your

Yet, we make
them smile.)

You gruggle, grunt
your special noises,
(which I encourage)

Stopping mid glup to
Open your eyes
(That do not match
mine yet reach

Into my soul.)
My mind hears
one small word
not in my voice
but yours,


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Very Rough Draft.

Thought I would write down the thoughts that have been bouncing around for a week or so now. Still needs work but this is the start of the process so I thought I would share the whole process from rough idea to first writing to revision and revision and then more revision.

4am Feeding

You grasp my finger
In your small hand
(Which is not like mine
Yet it fits.)

You hungrily latch
Your lips on tight,
(Lips that are not like mine
Yet I make them smile.)

You gruggle then
Grunt your special
Noises, (that I encourage)
Stopping mid glup to
Open your eyes
(That I did not give you
Yet they reach
Into my soul.)

I hear one small
Word in my
Mind that
You give to me

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Be your own Super Hero

"Chubbyman and The Gentleman save the city once again!"
ok so we aren't really super heros (or are we?)

So the past week I have been watching some of my favorite tv shows. The final season of Beauty and the Beast as well as reviewing some Sharpe shows and Robin of Sherwood.
I love the writing that has made these characters come alive for me.

(The picture was green screen from a recent Dance we took pictures at.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am a Slacker

So Randall stated tonight that I am a real slacker when it comes to my blog...well I hope he has good luck finding somewhere else to live...oh yeah and I need my laptop and back pack returned as well. Slacker...well, it is kind of true.
Ok so I will try to do better.

The perfect snack...raisins...those wrinkly little shriveled up great tasting treats. I love them. Not only do I eat my bowl of raisin bran each morning, but I love to buy the small boxes and put them in my back pack or desk at work.

So RAndall and Josh have been talking about live music or not live...most live albums now are re-engineered to sound better. Now go back to the old days. The greatest live album of all time was KISS double album set. Yes back in the daay when you had to be careful to not scratch your albums. ( I guess it is the same today with discs)
Oh well more ramble thoughts later.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Fatherhood (again)

Well it has been awhile since I updated this blog. I trust you all read Nats and know how great our life is. Today has been a good day, yet busy. Cody came over with Randy and spent the day. Nats mom and sisters came out to go to lunch...just the girls. Then tonight Jo and Josh came out. Last night we got together with My family for birthdays in Feb and it was great.
Family is good.
This morning we tried to get some "infant" shots of Maggie. She co-operated for a few frames then wanted nothing more...well there is always tomorrow.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

The World feels right

Today I got a call from Cody asking what I was doing.
I said "working what are you doing?"
"Driving. "
"Oh Yeah where?"
" Grand Junction..." yup Cody came home today. He had everything packed into his car. It was so cool to see him and hug him. He held his little sister and just beamed.
Laurie Jo and Josh came out and Randy got here after school and it felt good to have ALL my kids here together.

Wow, I can't stop smiling! (I may even cry again)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Family tradition

When each of my kids were born, the first book I read to them was "Where the wild things are". Tonight we brought home our new baby daugther, Maggie Grace and that traditon continued, with a slight twist.

Randall metioned that he remebers me reading and rereading that story to him so he wanted to be the first to read it to his new baby sister. Wow I am so lucky. I will write more later but for now just wow.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Life changes

It has been awhile since I posted anything. Life changes and moves on. This week I wanted to get up early each morning and write but I did not make it. Guess in order to get up at 6 am I need to get to bed before 1 am.
I now have my Wed nights back (sort of) I am no longer in the Bishopric but have been asked to be on the High Councl. I get the fun job of being the guy in charge of all the buildings and such. Its coll cuz I am the only one in te Stake that has keys to everything in every building.

Heath Ledger dies and that is sad. He was one I liked. As for writing...I often have pictured in my mind actors who would be in the movie about my book. He was one. I pictured him as my wizard Nilrem in the middle years...oh well he will be missed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The power of words

Words when put together correctly can have a lasting impact. Last night at the gym while I was walkin/running laps. I noticed on the one end of the track you could cut across the end and save yourself 10-15 feet. People were doing it. Nat was at another part of the gym but two phrases’ came to mind. Shakespeare said “This above all: to thine own self be true,And it must follow, as the night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any man.” From Hamlet . Also I once heard the following definition of trust.“Trust is being loyal to the one not present”So needless to say lap after lap I stayed in the lane and did not “cheat”.The power of words…wow

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Poem for Nat

Thank You
If all the flowers in the world could be gathered into just one bunch,
they still would not match the beauty I see when I look in your eyes.
If all the sunsets would combine in one great effort,
the thrill would not compare to the tug of my heart when I see you smile.
If all the music I love were compressed into one final song,
it could never match the joy I feel when I hear you laugh.
If all the actions I could ever do would join together in one moment,
I still would not feel as complete as
when I hold you in my arms.
Thank you.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Daily Writing (The roof is leaking)

Last night we got a big, wet storm that hit. This morning after shoveling the snow I came in to find the swamp cooler leaking. This had leaked before but I thought I had fixed it. (Of course Nat was very kind in how she pointed this out) So I climbed up on the roof, moving snow out of my way as I made my way to the Swamp cooler. I was almost within reach of it (about 1 inch short) when I started sliding. (remember wet slushy snow and roof slopes do not work well together) I pushed my trusty broom down to help stop me sliding only to have it break. Well the thought that ran through my mind as I slide toward the patio roof that was never going to hold my weight was. "You didn't write yesterday" Several days ago I read a short story about Michael McLean a LDS Song writer that I love. He said that 25 years ago when he started to write songs he decided to write a song a day. Some were great, most stunk but he wrote daily. Every class or book I have taken or read about writing says we need to write daily. (My grateful blog doesn't count) I agreed with it and decided myself to rededicate myself to writing daily. So here I am sliding toward the edge of a rotting patio roof that I had started to tear down last summer and this is all that I can think of. Then the thought went through my mind "I hope the dog isn't out I don't want to land on her" Well I stopped sliding, picked up my broken good for nothing no longer trusty broom, and made my way off the roof.

When I went back up later to fix(hopefully) the leak (at least for the mean time) I used a nice metal pole.
Point of the story is...I am now starting to write something on my book idea as soon as I log off of here. (Then I have to go clean the basement).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Being Grateful

Wow a new year has begun! New years eve was our normal, exciting, stay at home and watch TV! In fact Nat was asleep on the couch when I looked over at 11 pm. (I went to bed last year at 10 so what can I say!) It may sound boring but we’re not. We just love being at home. We went out to dinner earlier in the evening and just love being with each other at home.
Well as usual the first of the year brings new lists of things to change. One of my items is to be more grateful, as well as try to write daily. Well I stole a idea from my wife that helps with both of those things. Check out my new blog gratefulscottie. The link is on the side panel. Thanks for the idea Nat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Quest (My Mission Statement)

My Quest( my mission statement for life)
To view each day as a chance to learn from yesterday, plan for tomorrow and act accordingly. To be as Don Quixote and view life as it should be and not as it is. To see each person for what is inside, not what they put out front. To go to sleep at night with the knowledge that my family and friends know I love them unconditionally and that I am proud they are part of my life. To know that if I should die, the words, actions and thoughts of today could stand as my monument. To keep my word no matter what. To be true to myself above all else. To reward accomplishments no matter how small or great they are. To see the magic in every sunset and enjoy it. To show kindness regardless of circumstance. To be able to smile no matter the complaints I may have. To attempt the absurd! (thus achieving the impossible from time to time.) This is my Quest.