As I wrote on my grateful blog, today I am just happy to have the life I do!
I guess alot of it has to do with the fact that I made it to work in one piece. The roads are slushy and people were just going tooooo fast! I thought, better slow down a wreck is coming and sure enough before a mile the traffic slowed to a stop and we crawled along until we passed a 6 car wreck. People are so stupid. Any way more about being happy!
I am glad I have the job I do and the life I do.
I am way excited to become a grandpa! I have not told Jo and Josh how excited I am but I think they is just a cool thought to think that the family is continuing on. Also, this kid is going to have the 2 most bestest grandpas that any kid could have. They have not announced the name yet but I think they know what they want. I have my favorite but am not saying, (if it is my favorite then my sons will immediately stop joking about the name or I will unleash my full power of making fun of them.)
Anyway, life is good. Last week while in El Paso I finished anew Pern novel and wasn't as pleased as I had hoped with it. But I will not give up on the story lines.
Battlestar Galactica ended on Friday. They did a good job, I was happy with the way they tied up loose ends and ended it.
I am happy that I was able to download for free onto my iPod quite a few books from Robert Howard, (Conan, Solomon Kane etc) They will be a joy to read while in line at Disneyland.
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