The view never ceased to make him stop and look. Each night, for as long as he could remember, he had walk the steps with the men to the cave opening high above the valley floor. They entered from the other side of the mountain and were greeted by the starry sky from the cave opening each night. The tiny white points of light that filled the night seemed to move in and out as he looked at them. The large white patch of stars, like a snake, cut the sky in two. He was shaken from his thoughts as the team begun to fill the stone circle on the floor. Pot after pot of water would be poured in, 30 in all, till the circle would fill and the water would trickle out the side and down to the waiting families.
They would fall to their knees and thank the gods once more for the water. He smiled. His fathers, father father had been doing this same nightly ritual. His son and their sons would continue after he was gone. He could hear the chanting raising up from the valley floor, the water and started to fill the pots at the bottom.
He took one last look at the sky before him and wondered if there just might be someone behind those lights, standing with his sons as his father had done. Holding a torch to holes in a wall so that the light could come down to those that would stand and look at it.
It was late and he needed to sleep not think thoughts like this. That was the elders role in the tribe. His was to oversee the water each night and do his daily items.
He could not help but look once more as the wall door closed and wonder.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Picture inspired! (see pervious blog)
Posted by
Dreams of Writing
10:36 AM
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