Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight at Midnight

Ok so last night my boys and be braved the dark and saw the new Batman movie. If you have read this blog or know me then you know I am a geek. (If you know my son Randall you know he is the biggest comic geek ever). Well, last night I was amazed at what I saw. The writing and the portrayal of the characters was exactly as I envision them. Heath Ledger as the Joker finally brought the Joker to life. He is supposed to be the most terrifying of all the villains.My wife asked if I was going to have nightmares once I got home and to tell you the truth I wasn't sure. The image of Joker and Harvey Dent/Two Face was perfect. Congrats on the writing. I look hard at it in movies of this type and it was perfect.
Well I must get back to work, I also want to figure out if I get done early how I can sneak away and go to the movie again....