Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo time...well first time

I have signed up for the National November Writing Month thing. Your goal is to write 50,000 words of your novel during the month of November.
Not sure how it is going to go but thought I would give it a try since all my thinking about writing has added up to 0 words on paper.

I will keep  this up to date as I work through this wonderful experience....

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Music Inside

I have been watching the Shaina Twain series called "Why Not".
I over heard a one liner that a Doctor said to her and it really hit home.
"Most people die with their music still inside them" That is so true. That is also what any want to be writer has lingering in the back of their mind.
I have a need to make sure that I at least get part of my voice out for my family to have if no one else.

Also I was reviewing some things I wrote quite awhile ago and was genuinely impressed with he context and the flow.
I have some small portion of talent even if it is only in my own mind.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Grab you in the first chapter

I have started and stopped 3 books in the past week. These were listening to them on my ipod.
1 I got 3 discs in
1 I got 2 discs in
1 I got 1 disc in
Stopping each mainly because the story did not grab me right up front. I am also reading the sequel to Scarlet Pimpernel and find the first to be a bit slow but know that this is how she wrote and it will get better.
I have not written off the other books, I will go back and pick up where I left off some time in the future, but it brought to mind the importance of having your story, characters or setting jump out and grab the reader within the first chapter if not lines, or they are must likely to wander away never to give you a 2nd chance.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The art of Mapping

Some of the most enjoyable books I read have maps in them. Usually not more than 2 pages, tucked just inside the front cover.
I always refer to them several times in the course of reading the book. They are a great help when reading of new worlds or kingdoms etc.
I have played around several maps for my world where my stories are located.
This almost seems like a must as I start to write.
I don't draw well but can do well enough for me.
I even bought a small sketch book to do maps and layouts of towns and such.
I know I will never use them in the book when it publishes but they are invaluable as I create.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Books and Movies and a thank you for a missing comment.

I started to watch "A Game of Thrones" on HBO. After the first show I got the book on CD from the library and started to listen. I made it through the first disc and stopped. Not because it is bad but so good and the HBO treatment is so good and close (so far at least) to the book.
I will start the book again after the series is over.
I have  only had a few movies that have come close to the books they were based on...very few.

Also I have to say thanks to a comment that used to be on here but is now gone. The thought was expressed that in finding time to write to use a daily journal, and to make sure you get the right journal so you will use it. Even 5 minutes a day is 300 words. I have been looking for my right journal.
(I wish I still had the comment since I went to her site and found great information)

Monday, May 9, 2011


So I feel like I need to give an update on the goals I have set if for no one else but myself.
The idea of making time to write is true. I have not forced myself to get up so I do not have the time to write everyday like I would wish.
But I have gotten better.
I have also found that I can spend time that I really don't have to think to think about my story lines and such.
One thing I have continued and am proud of is that i have kept up with my daily reading. Not just reading or listening to a book for enterainment but also to notice style and how it is put together. I then find myself how I would change some of it or how I would like to emulate parts of it.

Anything that is worth doing takes effort.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Short Story...ok

So is ornery really a word? I guess it is since it pops up in my Microsoft word program as one...isn't that a better source than Webster?

Even so I went home yesterday and told Nat I was in a bad mood, she smiled and said why. I told her because I have to work at work…I know poor baby right?.

Well today was no better. Here I sit and the only word that fits is ornery. Here it is late Thurs afternoon, I have to give a talk this Sunday and have no idea on how to approach it. I have tons of yard work and it is all wet and cold, I have a section of my latest story stuck in my head, and not sure how to fix it, I can’t seem to turn around at work without someone having a new personal problem that impacts the job and I am old and feeling it today…ok I fell better now, thanks for listening!

So since my last post I have adjusted just a bit. I do not always get the set amount of writing time but I am finding more of it.

I have decided to work out 2 short stories so i can enter them into a contest by June as well as submit one to the round of mags that might take it.

This has been fun revisiting old friends and updating very little as I go through the rereads.

I have toyed with an idea of a collection of short stories all centered around a main place or theme.

Much like the old "Thieves World" books.

In fact I remember working on a collaboration with others around the country way back in the late 80's when the main internet thing was Prodigy and we were excited to be able to connect with a 512k dial up modem.

Well on the short stories, contests and submissions.

Fun fun fun.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Start again

I am at the very end of Mr. Kings "On Writing". In this, as in all the other books on writing I have read, the number one reccomendation and the only thing they all have in common is: Read a lot, write a lot.
So where do I find the time to write daily(except Sundays I think)
I will start a new idea in the morning to see if it will work:
6-6:30 wake up breakfast
6:30-7:30 write
7:30 -8:15 study
8:15-8:45 shower dress family study
9-arrive at work and the bore begins.
Then at night, I will try to read when I can and write when I can (all depends on a very active 3 year old.

I know I can find time to read during the day, the best thing about my ebook reader is it goes everywhere.

Well, we will see how it goes this week...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Telling it like it is

I have read this before but I just got a copy of the audio from my local library. It is read by the author himself.

I just started listening to it this afternoon while shopping with my wife and Boo. One of the lines in the forward really cracked me up. I started to laugh in the middle of Old Navy and Nat said what's so funny. I had to make sure she knew it was what I was listening to and not what she was holding up to show me how cute a shirt was.
The line is simply, "One of the reason this book is so small is that most books written on this subject are full of Bullshit"
I have read many of those books and can not argue with Mr. King...why would I even try.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unchanging Mission Statement

So I had cause to review my Mission statement I wrote way back in 1994. It has remained unchanged and still is after my review.
In fact i have told Nat that it should be on the program at my funeral.
I have shared it here before but thought to re post it and recommit to it.

My Quest( my mission statement for life)

To view each day as a chance to learn from yesterday,
plan for tomorrow and act accordingly.
To be as Don Quixote and view life
as it should be and not as it is.
To see each person for what is inside,
not what they put out front.
To go to sleep at night with
the knowledge that my family and friends know
I love them unconditionally and
that I am proud they are part of my life.
To know that if I should die,
the words, actions
and thoughts of today could
stand as my monument.
To keep my word no matter what.
To be true to myself above all else.
To reward accomplishments
no matter how small or great they are.
To see the magic in every sunset
and enjoy it.
To show kindness
regardless of circumstance.
To be able to smile
no matter the complaints I may have.
To attempt the absurd!
(thus achieving the impossible from time to time.)
This is my Quest.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Almost Scripture

I am sitting here trying to figure out how to do my talk for Sunday. Not having much luck...On the TV is Les Mis 25th anniversary concert on PBS.
If ever there was music that rates to be classified as scripture it is Les Mis.

I love this show. While this version is not my 100% most favorite cast (The 10th year one is that) I still find it moving.
It is the dream of every person who puts pen to paper to have their work live on after them.

I don't really care if I ever get published (have to finish something long before that will happen)
I just want my children, grandchildren etc to have a glimpse of who I was and have their life touched by my simple act of putting pen to paper.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Notebooks

 I have started to once more carry a notebook with me everywhere. I use the small ones pictured above for work and such.
This along with my blackberry works a lot like my old day planner
This also helps with spur of the moment ideas...had one yesterday for the ending line of a new poem

Also I have a larger book that I pack for more room and thoughts etc. You never know when the thought will strike so you must be prepared to jot it down or it will be lost

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Old yet new thoughts

I was looking over some of my old thumb drives and files I had stored on several hard drives.
I found several "works" that I had started.
A few poems I will share. These were written about 3 years ago, just after we were able to get our wonderful Boo through the miracle of adoption.
This has forever change my life

4am Feeding

You grasp my finger
In your small hand
(Which is not like mine
Yet it fits.)

You hungrily latch
Your lips on tight,
(Lips not like mine
Yet I make them smile.)

You gurgle then
Grunt your special
Noises, (that I encourage)
Stopping mid gulp to

Open your eyes
(That I did not give you
Yet they reach
Into my soul.)

I hear one small
Word in my
Mind, that settles
In my heart.

This you give
to me.


Your body did not conceive me.
Yet your mind saw who I was.

I did not physically grow within you
But my soul started then
grew in your heart

It took longer for me to get here
Than you wanted
(We both had growing to do.)

I came when it was time.
I can not speak the words I want,
So I smile and hope you hear

These special words
That are just for you
“Hi MOM!”

Adoption Love moment #2

You have been in our
Prayers for over 3 years.
Hoping you would come.

We see your strength, your love
As you follow your heart.
Few can fully
understand your

Yet He knows
And is smiling

As you place
Your daughter
Into her mothers arms.

We hug, cry,
Melt into each other
The 3 of us

Forever bound
Through the love
We have for
This small wiggling


This moment

Like our arms
Intertwining together
With the power of pure
Unselfish love.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Finding Time to Write

I think the biggest challenge of any "part time do it for fun of it" writer is trying to find the time to write.
I remember listening to several authors and they said you needed to get up before the crack of dawn, when the house is quiet and write. Most professional writers I listen or read about say that they follow a schedule, just as if they were working at it.
That is my excuse. I can't really say problem since I know it is just an excuse.
I have been getting up at 6 each morning but I find myself reading more that I thought I would.
I still think reading is important so I need to figure a way to crave out a few more minutes each day to spend time writing.
Before Boo came along I had tons of time. But my time playing and being with her is priceless to me. Once she hits the bed I usually am out to since I am old and tired from being up at 6 every morning.
Then I need to fit in exercise as well...oh my!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Begin again

I set the goal at the first of the year to do more writing...well I have not done that, yet. I have been getting into a new schedule which is fun with a almost 3 year old around and a job that suddenly decided to change some hours for a week.
But never say die and all that, I am starting again. I will cut into my early morning reading to start to get a few words on paper. Of course I will still read but not just as much I guess.
I will update here as I go.
Right now it is time to review some old pieces and ideas to see if I want to continue or start anew.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Long Time not posting

It seems like I have forgotten this blog...well I guess I have.
I have been keeping up my other blog a bit better and facebook.
Just seem to run out of time...