I sit here in Newark NJ in a hotel and wish I were home. I flew in today for a 2 hour meeting with my client in the morning then flying back home tomorrow afternoon.
As I turned on the TV and browsed the channels I came upon the start of the movie "300".
I had almost watched it on the plane on my iPod but decided on Superman the Animated series instead.
I do like this movie. It is one of those that I can watch over and over again. I think I am drawn to the heroes in it. The sense of right makes might. This is the same reason I love the TV series Highlander and Sharpe. This sense of old time chivalry really touched me. I know if I had been born in the time of knights and all that I would probably have been a very poor farmer, but I would have taught my children that Might is not right and that the only reason to have power is to protect ohers...come to think of it I am doing that. My garden skills stink and my kids know the stories and the true purpose for the knights.
Wow, that could be really deep....but I am tired and the neat battle scenes are just starting.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Posted by Dreams of Writing at 5:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Well, today was a good Sunday. The regular Sunday School teacher was going to be out of town so he asked me to sub in. I love teaching Gospel Doctrine. I was closet to the spirit when I was teaching each week. I guess that because I also spent the most time on that calling. Even more than Bishopric or High Council. But I only have myself to blame for not staying close. It revoles around daily study and thinking or pondering.
After Church I got a call from someone saying a sprinkler had broken at the chapel. Then a few hours later I got a call saying the other chapel had the sewer backing up in the floor drains and into the bathrooms. Since I am over the physical stuff as my assignment for High council I get these calls.
All in all a good sunday.
Posted by Dreams of Writing at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Maggies 1st laugh
I got Maggie to laugh for the first time yesterday. It cracked me up and just almost made me cry. I know others will not think it that big of a deal, but I DON”T CARE! Maggie’s smile and her laugh make my day. (I still get a kick out of my older kids laugh as well. The only problem is they are usually laughing at me Just kidding)
They grow up so fast. So these times are extra special.
Posted by Dreams of Writing at 12:46 PM 1 comments